About EMSA

About EMSA

The Emergency SA (EMSA) Conference is the shared vision of three emergency health professional bodies in South Australia, namely the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine (ACEM), the College of Emergency Nursing Australasia (CENA) & The Australasian College of Paramedicine (ACP).

Since 2008 these three key professional emergency healthcare bodies in South Australia (ACP, ACEM and CENA) have joined forces to present this outstanding and unique emergency conference.

With each college having many years experience in successful education events, and as a joint group having presented multiple previous EMSA Conferences, we have a shared vision and commitment to:

>> provide excellent emergency care education;

>> encourage access to the latest research, practices and equipment;

>> and to continually strengthen ties across the emergency care community in S.A. and beyond.

EMSA is now held biennially, with the next event scheduled for 2022.


Adelaide Convention Centre, South Australia


Friday – Saturday
12-13 August 2022