$99.00 – $399.00
This workshop is only available to Doctors, Paramedics or Nurses who hold a full conference registration.
Unfortunately students/ volunteers or those who hold a single day registration are unable to attend due to the limited positions available.
EMSA Resuscitative Surgical Skills Workshop
The EMSA Resuscitative Surgical Skills Pre-Conference Workshop is planned for Thursday the 20th August. This workshop promises to provide a rare high fidelity education opportunity in a supportive collaborative learning environment. This EMSA Resuscitative Surgical Skills Workshop is aimed at Senior Emergency Care Clinicians interested in learning and practicing and observing Emergency Surgical Procedures.
The session will be held at SA Health Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI). 101 Blacks Road Gilles Plains.
Please be advised this is a wet lab workshop. This is a collaborative workshop where by attendees will attend an introductory presentation and then be divided in to small groups and be allocated to an
instructor and station. The groups will be no larger than 5 per station (including Senior Medical Officers, Emergency RNs & Paramedics).
Please note: All participants will be involved in the workshop but will participate to the degree they would in their
usual scope of practice and practice setting.
The workshop will include instruction and participation in the following Emergency Resuscitative Surgical Skills & Procedures including:
o Identify the landmarks to release a Pericardial Tamponade
o Identify and compress the thoracic aorta during resuscitation
o Gain experience in how to safely perform open cardiac massage
o Gain experience in attaining haemorrhage control for cardiac injury with finger pressure, instruments (various clamp application), direct stapling and suturing cardiac lacerations.